Remittance Service Provider
Payment Aggregator
Legal Name
Founded Date
Operating Regions
Latin America & the Caribbean
North America
Contact Email



Remitee is the Operating System for cross-border instant payments, offering a secure, scalable, and compliant infrastructure trusted by category leaders in banking, e-wallets, and payments industries. Our platform focuses on the real needs of migrant families, providing them with choice and control over their finances. By enabling direct payments for essential services in the receiving country, beyond money transfer, we eliminate the uncertainties and exponentially improve the experience of the sending and the receiving users.

Our team, comprising seasoned professionals with extensive experience from companies like Western Union, brings a wealth of knowledge and a shared commitment to driving innovation in the remittance industry. Remitee was incubated at MIT and received pre-seed funds from the MIT Sandbox Innovation Funds Program. With diverse backgrounds and a common purpose, we are devoted to delivering transformative solutions that address the real needs of migrant families worldwide.Join us in our mission to connect lives across borders and build a more inclusive financial future. Together, we can reshape the landscape of cross-border payments and positively impact millions of lives.