Christina Hutchinson is the Vice President of Business Development in Latin America
and General Manager Brazil for  Nium , the global leader in real-time payments. Nium
provides payments and card issuance services that redefine how businesses around the
world pay and get paid.

 Based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Christina is focused on expanding Nium’s presence within the
region by signing new merchants across banks, fintechs, digital and ecommerce platform
verticals, and bringing Nium’s robust global payment capabilities to new parts of the

 Christina is a leading global executive with experience running Sales and Business
Development for Latin America, with a focus on the unique digital payment needs and
innovation in the area. She has over two decades of experience in financial technology
and services, having worked in large banks, multinationals and fintechs such as
Santander, SWIFT and Payoneer to provide customized global payment solutions.
